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TECHBUS Business Math Midterm and Final Exam Solutions
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Course: TECHBUS Business Math
Unit: Midterm Exam
Answer the following questions below:
Page 1 of 16.
For problems #1 through #3, find the weekly earnings. All hours over 40 hours are paid at timeand-
1) $4.75 per hour, 37 hours
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2) $5.30 per hour, 45 hours
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3) $4 per hour; 42 hours; tips: $20; $30; $25; $15
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For problems #4 and #5, compute the piecework earnings.
4) 325 units at $.32 a unit
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5) 158 units at $1.70 a unit
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For problems #6 and #7, the annual salary is $24,528.40. What are the earnings per pay period if
the worker is paid each indicated interval?
6) weekly
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7) biweekly
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8) Remus earns $.15 per unit for the work he does. For all units he produces in a week, over 1 ,000, he
receives $.20. What were his weekly earnings if he produced 1,420 units?
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9) Gloria is paid $750 each pay period. If she is paid semi-monthly, how much is her annual salary?
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1 0) Tom earns $4.80 per hour and 3% commission on sales. One week he worked 30 hours and sold
$4700 worth of goods. How much did he earn that week.
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11) Brian's timecard is shown below. What are his earnings for the day if he is paid $4.10 per hour?
8:30 Alv1
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Out In Out
11:45 Alv1 12:30 Plv1 4:45PM
12) Joanne earns $313.25 per week. She is married and claims 4 deductions. How much federal tax must
she pay each week according to the table?
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And the wages are -
At least But less
$240 $250
$250 $260
$260 $270
$270 $280
$280 $290
$290 $300
$300 $310
$310 $320
$320 $330
$330 $340
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Weekly Payroll Period- Married Persons
And the number of withholding allowances claimed is-
·. ...
0 1 2 3 4 5
The amount of income tax to be withheld shall be-
$29 $24 $18 $13 $7 $3
$31 $25 $20 $14 $9 $4
$32 $27 $21 $16 $10 $5
$34 $28 $23 $'17 $12 $6
$35 $30 $24 $'19 $13 $8
$37 $31 $26 $20 $15 $9
$38 $33 $27 $22 $16 $11
$40 $34 $29 $23 $18 $12
$41 $36 $30 $25 $19 $14
$43 $37 $32 $26 $2'1 $15
13) Dennis earns $36,495 annually; 7.2% of his gross pay was withheld for state and local taxes. How
much was this?
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For problems #14 and #15, find how much FICA tax is withheld at a rate of 7.51% on these
earnings. Round answers to nearest cent when necessary.
14) $465.25
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15) $4125.90
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Print out the table and complete the earnings statement for Mrs. Cole. She is married and claims 3
deductions. Use the tax table from problem #12, to determine the Federal tax. Her state tax is 7.2%.
Her local tax is 3%. She is self-employed, so her FICA rate is 15.02%. Use the information you have
compiled to answer questions #16 through #22. Round answers to nearest cent when necessary.
$258.35 $67.65
Federal State
? ? ?
Pension Union Insurance
$19.42 $4.85 $11.45
16) What is Mrs. Cole's gross pay?
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17) How much was withheld for federal taxes?
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18) How much was withheld for state taxes?
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19) How much was withheld for local taxes?
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20) How much was withheld for FICA?
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21) What are Mrs. Cole's total deductions?
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22) What is Mrs. Cole's net pay?
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Print out the check register and find the current balance for Sean s checking account. Use the
information compiled to answer questions #23 through #25.
Check Date Description ( . )
135 2/'18 B. McCarthv 452.25
2120 Deposit
136 2120 ABC Foods 85.00
23) What is the balance after writing check #135?
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24) What is the balance after making the $150 deposit?
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25) What is the balance after writing check #136?
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Deposit Balance
( + ) $973.42
2~f'll ~-" .,_· 7;i.-!'i
150.00 .2, ' ;4', --. -}- "-:~;l -~l l
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Questions Page 8 of 16
26) Regina received a bank statement for her account showing a monthly bank charge of $4.35. It also
showed that check #502 for $378.56 had not yet been cashed. The bank statement showed a balance of
$806.21. The balance in the check register is $432. Explain how to reconcile the two balances.
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27) Find the current balance for Jeffs savings account if he had a balance of $396.80, made three $15
deposits, withdrew $125, and earned $1.04 interest.
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28) Find the balance in Cathy's account after 3 years if she deposited $1500 at the simple interest rate of
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29) Patrick deposited $3200 at 8% interest compounded quarterly. Find the amount in his account at the
end of 3 years. Round answer to nearest cent.
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30) Dawn borrowed $850. She made 18 payments of $54.30. How much interest did she pay for the loan?
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31) Nicole borrowed $550 at 16% annual interest rate for 60 days. How much interest did she pay for the
loan? Base computations on 365 days in a year. Round answer to nearest cent.
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32) Aaron borrowed $500 at 16% annual interest rate for 12 months under an add-on-plan. How much
does he have to repay?
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33) Julia borrowed $2500 and was charged an 8.5% fee for the loan. She repaid the loan in 36 payments
under a monthly installment plan. How much was her monthly installment?
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34) Sue had these expenditures for her car: April, $138.49; May, $356.75; June, $272.35; July, $417.28.
What was her average monthly expense for her car?!LessonQuestions.aspx?L=687 &CS=2490 I O&SS=true I 0/7/2012
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35) Tony makes four payments a year of $263.25 each for his auto insurance; two payments a year of
$135.50 each for his life insurance; and two payments a year of $795 each for real estate taxes. What is
the total of his annual fixed expenses for these three items?
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36) How much must Tony (Problem 35) put into fixed savings each month to cover his annual fixed
expenses for auto insurance, life insurance, and real estate taxes?
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anessa s net monthly income is $1200. For problems #37 through #40, find what percent of her
net monthly income is represented by each of the following budget items.
37) Housing: $480
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38) Food: $300
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39) Clothing: $240
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40) Transportation: $180
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Alicia has a net monthly income of $1,700. For problems #41 through #46, find the amount she has
budgeted for each item.
41) Housing: 35%
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42) Food: 25%
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43) Clothing: 15%
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44) Transportation: 10%
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45) Savings: 1 0%
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46) Other: 5%
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47) Alicia received a bill for $119 for car repairs. She had to take the money for the unexpected bill out of
the amounts for clothing, savings, and other. How much did she take from each of these budget items to
adjust her budget? a) clothing, b) savings, c) other
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48) Solve. Round to nearest cent.
Purchase: $79.35
Sales Tax: 8%
Total: ___ _
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49) Solve.
Purchase: $242.00
Sales Tax : 6o/o
Total: ____ _
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50) Gloria purchased a comb for $5.99, shampoo for $3.29, and conditioner for $1. 78. How much change
did she receive from $15?
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51) Norman purchased a skateboard for $240 on the installment plan. He made 9 payments of $25.50. A
finance charge of $19.50 was added. How much was the down payment?
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52) Jason bought a $350 stereo on the installment plan. He was required to pay 20% down. A finance
charge of 19% was put on the remainder. He had 8 months to pay it off. How much was his monthly
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53) Chelsea received a statement for her bank credit card showing a previous balance of $275.25. She
made new purchases totaling $159.75, and a $300 payment. If the finance charge is 1.2% per month, how
much will it be on the unpaid balance?
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54) Find the new balance on the charge account in Problem #53.
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55) Find the finance charge (at 1.25%) for one month on the average daily balance of $777.80. Round
answer to nearest cent.
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56) A bank credit card has a monthly finance charge of 1.4%. Find the APR.
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57) Alfred has a coupon for 35 cents off a 32-ounce bottle of detergent that sells for $1.39. Another brand
offers a 20-ounce bottle for 79 cents. If he uses the coupon, which will be the better buy?
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58) Wanda purchased a clock radio at 35% off. If the original price was $34.50, what was the markdown
amount and her final cost? a) markdown, b) final cost. Round answers to nearest cent.
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59) Alana ordered jeans ($28) and a sweater ($35) from a catalog. The sales tax is 8%. The shipping
charges came to $1.58. What was the total amount she was charged?
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60) The cost of mailing a first class letter is $.22 for the first ounce, and $.17 for each ounce or fraction
thereof. What is the cost of mailing a 3.7-ounce letter?
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61) The rate of inflation between 1985 and 1995 was 2.65. If a shirt cost $9.50 in 1985, what was the cost
in 1995? Round answer to nearest cent
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62) The CPI in 1975 was 130. In 2001 the CPI was 530. If a prom dress cost $78 in 1975, what was the
cost of the same dress in 2001?
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Course: TECHBUS Business Math
Unit: Final Exam
Answer the following questions below:
1) Sally earns $8.56 per hour. What is her overtime pay at time-and-a-half?
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2) Find Sally's earnings in problem #1 if she works 45 hours.
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3) Beth earns $5.25 per hour working as an attendant in a spa. In 6 days, her tips were $32, $42, $28.50,
$18.50, $34, and $42.25. Find Beth's average daily tips. Round answer to nearest cent.
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4) Bob delivered 172 newspapers and received $.06 per paper. What were Bob's earnings?
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5) Amy earns $.20 per unit for the work she does. For all units over 1,000 that she produces in a week, she
receives $.28. What were her weekly earnings if she produced 1,350 units?
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6) Steven receives $5.75 per hour and 4% commission on sales. One week he worked 40 hours and sold
$2,500 worth of goods. How much did he earn that week?
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7) If Kris clocked in to work at 8:15AM, clocked out for lunch at 12:00, clocked back in from lunch at 12:45 PM,
then clocked out for the day at 4:30 PM, how many hours did he work?
17 hrs., 30 min.
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8) Alice earned $32,756 annually; 6.5% of her gross pay was withheld for state and local taxes. How much
were her taxes?
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9) Don is an artist, so he must pay FICA tax at the self-employed rate of 15.02%. How much must he pay on an
annual income of $45,360? Round answer to nearest cent.
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10) Lori earns $65,400 a year. She pays 15% of her gross income for federal, state, and local taxes. She is
taxed at the FICA rate of 7.65%. She has 7% of her income withheld for personal deductions. She is paid
semimonthly. What is her net pay for each pay period? Round answer to nearest cent.
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11) Find the current balance in Jerry's account if he had a balance of $456.78, wrote checks for $25.79, $9.43,
and $45.20, and made a deposit of $206.45.
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12) Find the principal in Suzanne's account at the end of 2 years if she invested $500 at 6% interest
compounded quarterly. Round answer to nearest cent.
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13) Find the balance in Grace's account after 2 years for a principal of $2500 if the bank pays simple interest at
a rate of 5.25%.
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14) Scott borrowed $750 at 16% interest for 18 months. How much did he pay back?
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15) Joe borrowed $2300 at 8.5%. He repaid the loan in 36 payments under a monthly installment plan. Find his
monthly payment. Round answer to nearest cent.
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16) Find the average monthly expense: April $850, May $832, June $659. Round answer to nearest cent.
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Compute the number of degrees needed to construct a central angle in a circle graph for each of the
budget items given in problems #17 through #22.
17) housing: 25%
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18) food: 35%
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19) savings: 10%
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20) entertainment: 5%
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21) clothes: 15%
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22) other: 1 0%
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The Smith's have a net monthly income of $2850. Use the percents found in problems #17 through #22
to find the amount budgeted for each item.
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23) housing
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24) food
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25) savings
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26) entertainment
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27) clothes
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28) other
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29) Valerie purchased an exercise bike for $325.99. How much sales tax did she have to pay if the rate of sales
tax is 7%? Round answer to nearest cent.
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30) Tanya bought a desk for her home office on the installment plan. The purchase price was $985. She paid
$200 down. She paid off the remaining amount in equal monthly installments over a period of 8 months. The
finance charge was $117. Find out how much she paid each month.
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31) David had an outstanding balance on his credit card account of $469.86 for purchases he made. Find the
finance charge if it was 1.5% per month. Round answer to nearest cent.
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32) Carl has a sum of daily balances of $6,835.46 on his account for 31 days. What is his average daily
balance? Round answer to nearest cent. I O&SS=true 1 0/7/2012
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33) Debby bought a snow blower for her husband costing $549.90. She could charge it on her store credit card,
which charges 1.25% per month on the unpaid balance or she could borrow the money from her bank, where
the APR is 14%. Which of the two credit plans has the lower APR?
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34) A 64-ounce bottle of laundry soap sells for $3. 79; a 38-ounce bottle costs $1.90. Which is the better buy?
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35) Milk is available in 1-quart, 1/2 gallon, or 1-gallon containers. If 1 quart costs $.89, 1/2 gallon costs $1.27,
and 1 gallon costs $2.02, which is the best buy?
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or problems# through# 8, find the unit price to the nearest cent.
36) ice cream that costs $2.19 for 4 servings
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37) powdered milk that costs $1.79 for 12 servings
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38) macaroni and cheese that costs$. 79 for 4 servings
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n problems # through # 2, state hether each situation represents a permutation or combination.
39) four cars in a row
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40) 5 CO's from a group
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41) a team of 6 players from 12 1 O&SS=true 10/7/2012
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42) 12 people in a line to buy tickets
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ind the value of each in problems # through# .
43) P(6,6)
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44) 7!
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45) C(8, 4)
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46) 11!
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47) How many different 6-player starting squads can be formed from a volleyball team of 15 players?
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48) How many ways can 4 members of a family be seated in a theater if the mother is seated on the aisle?
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Determine the markdown amount and final price in problems #49 and #50. Round answers to nearest
49) What is the markdown amount? What is the final cost?
tem: Lamp
~ egular Price: $49 gg
VI arkdown : '18%
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Not Graded 1 O&SS=tme 10/7/2012
50) What is the markdown amount? What is the final cost?
tem: Ring
~egular Price: $64.50
'vlarkdown: 25%
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51) Jeff is traveling from St. Paul to Milwaukee. He estimates the distance is about 330 miles. If his car
averages 22 miles per gallon, how many gallons of gas will Jeff need to make the trip?
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Not Graded
52) Tom bought a new car with a sticker price of $15,678. He paid 18% of the cost as a down payment. What
amount did he finance?
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53) Tom (in problem #52) repaid his loan in 48 monthly payments. Each payment, including the finance charge,
was $313.25. Find the total cost of his car.
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54) Julie bought a new car with a sticker price of $18,760. If she paid 6% sales tax, traded in her old car for O&SS=true 1 0/7/2012
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$1800 and made a 15% down payment on the remaining balance, calculate the total amount of the purchase
price that she financed.
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55) Sam and Ellie purchased a house listed at $98,500. They made a down payment of 20%. What is the
amount of the mortgage they must have?
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Not Graded
56) A bank offers a 25 year mortgage at 10.5% for a monthly mortgage payment of $9.44 per $1,000 borrowed.
What is the monthly mortgage payment on a mortgage of $55, 750?
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Not Graded
57) David and Liz own a house with a market value of $129,900. Their rate of assessment is 74%. What is the
assessed value of their house?
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Not Graded
58) The monthly payments on Jerry and Joanne's mortgage are $565.60. Their mortgage is $95,000. How
much will they pay in interest if they have a 30-year mortgage?
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The high school football team has played 4 games so far this season. Use the matrices below to answer
questions #59 through #62.
T. D.
Field Extra
Goal Points Point
Game1 2 3 2
Values A= Game 2 4 1 4 B= TF.GT.3l
Game 3 3 3 3
Game4 2 4 2
E. P. 1
59) Find the product of AB. What is the total number of points scored in game 3?
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60) What is the total number of points scored in all 4 games?
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61) Find the difference between the number of points scored in games 3 and 4.
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62) In which of these two games were the most points scored and how many? I O&SS=true 10/7/2012
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63) Given the set of data 45, 62, 53, 71, 75, 66, 58, 49, 60, 68. What numbers would you use for the stem if you
arranged them in a stem and leaf plot?
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The stem and leaf plot shows the scores of a basketball season for the Red Jets. Use it to answer
questions #64 through #66.
Reel Jets Opponents
4 3 3 0 1 1
6 3 3 0 5 2 2 3 4 7 9
64) What were the highest and lowest scores for the Red Jets?
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65) What were the highest and lowest scores for their opponents?
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Not Graded
66) What is the median of each set of data?
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I here are o reel marbles, !:l green marbles, 4 black marbles an ell blue marbles
in a bag. Suppose you select onemmble at random. Find the probability of each
event given in problems #67 through #70.
67) Find the probability for:
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Not Graded
68) Find the probability for:
_)(not yellovv)
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69) Find the probability for:
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70) Find the probability for:
"'(black or blue]
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Not Graded
Use the map to answer questions # through # 5.
N +
Fin River
._/'"'... River
C0 State Highway • Interstate Highway
[i] -
71) How many interstate highways are shown on the map?
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City with population of
10,000 or over
State Park 1 O&SS=true 1017/2012
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72) What is the route number of the interstate that heads east and west?
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73) What route would you take to travel from Cambridge to Camden? (Give specific directions with mileage.)
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7 4) What town does the Fin River flow into?
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75) How would you travel from Lake Watson to Cambridge? (Give specific directions and mileage)
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