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Research and Statistics for Educators Benchmark 4

Research and Statistics for Educators Name ________________________
Benchmark 4

Answer the following questions for each example. Submit both your Word document and your Excel file in Angel.
{10 points each}

Example One
Researchers investigated the effect of an individualized approach to reading instruction versus whole class instruction using a reading textbook series. One group was taught reading using books chosen by each individual. The other group all used the same selections from a basal reader. The researchers hypothesized that the individualized approach would result in greater achievement.

Individualized Basal
4 0
3 1
6 2
5 3
7 4
9 5
6 3
5 1
1 1
3 2
8 4
7 6

1. Will this be an independent or dependent samples t test?

2. What is the null hypothesis?

3. What is the alternative hypothesis?

4. Will this be a one or a two-tailed test?

5. Mean/s (round to two decimal places):
Individualized ______ Basel _____

6. Standard Deviation/s (round to two decimal places):
Individualized ______ Basel _____

7. P value (round to six decimal places): ______

8. Accept or reject the null hypothesis at p < 0.05?

Example Two
Ten subjects were given an intelligence test. After the experiment in which the subjects received treatment, the subjects were given the same intelligence test to ascertain if they would receive higher scores due to the treatment.

Subject Pretest Posttest
1 7 9
2 6 7
3 8 10
4 7 9
5 8 8
6 5 6
7 6 7
8 5 11
9 9 7
10 8 10

1. Will this be an independent or dependent samples t test?

2. What is the null hypothesis?

3. What is the alternative hypothesis?

4. Will this be a one or a two tailed test?

5. Mean/s (round to two decimal places):
Pretest________ Posttest ________

6. Standard Deviation/s (round to two decimal places):
Pretest________ Posttest ________

7. P value (round to six decimal places) ______

8. Accept or reject the null hypothesis at p < 0.01?

About the Solutions
Solutions include filled out worksheet and excel attachment for data!

Other Details about the Project/Assignment
Subjects: Statistics
Topic: Various topics in College Level Statistics
Level: College / University

QA, stats homework

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Math Genius
Frederick Burke
Member Since: March 2003
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+1 Ratings from clients: 115
Project Details
Subjects: Statistics
Topic: Various topics in College Level Statistics
Level: College / University

QA, stats homework

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