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Online Trigonometry Course Project
The Online Trigonometry Course Project Specifications were as follows:
Online Trigonometry Course Project
100 Points
Due Date: You must submit your project prior to taking your Final Exam
Each student must submit a 5 to 10 page typed paper containing research representing their own original work which examines the topic of Vectors. Each paper should include the following items:
1. Definition of a vector
2. Commonly used vector notations
3. Basic operations with vectors (addition, scalar multiplication, dot product, etc.)
4. At least one real world application involving vectors
5. Any other vector related topics of your choosing
Each student is strongly encouraged to use diagrams to help clarify the points of their paper. In addition, be sure to submit a cover page and a works-cited page with your project. Your textbook may serve as your main resource since it has an excellent introduction to vectors with many good applications.
If you have questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact Mr. Trunkhill for help at any time via email or in person during office hours.
Commonly Asked Questions??
What should I do if I cannot correctly type the symbols on my word processor for my paper?
You may hand draw any symbols or diagrams that you cannot create digitally in your paper.
What should I do if I discuss everything and my paper is still not at least 5 pages?
In this case I would suggest adding additional vector topics and/or additional applications.
What are some good applications of vectors?
There are many including Resultant Force Problems, Polar Form of a Vector, Angle Between Two Vectors, Projection of a Vector onto another Vector, Torque, Work, Path of a Projectile, etc.
Are late papers accepted?
Since grades are submitted as soon as your final exam is graded, no late papers can be accepted. Failure to submit a Course Project prior to taking your final exam will result in a grade of zero.
About the Solutions
The first section of the project is given below. You can purchase the full solution if you wish to see the completed project.
Vectors are a very important mathematical tool. In the beginning, they seem strange. But we actually use vectors every day. In this paper, I explore vectors, first by defining them. I will illustrate commonly used vector notations, and demonstrate basic operations with vectors. Finally, I will use vectors to explore two important quantities in physics: work and torque.
A vector is defined as a mathematical quantity that involves a magnitude and a direction. It is contrasted with a scalar, which consists of only a magnitude.
Vectors are important in areas where both a number and direction are needed. For example, say someone were to ask, “How far is the camp?” You could reply with only a scalar (“Five miles.”) But what if someone instead asked, “Where is the camp?” In this case, you have to reply with a vector. (“Five miles north.”)
To show something is a vector (instead of a scalar), either it is written with an arrow pointing to the right over a letter, or a letter written in boldface type.
Question Files
Online Trigonometry Course Project.docx
Online Trigonometry Course Project (1).pdf
Other Details about the Project/Assignment
Mathematics -> Trigonometry
Trigonometry Course Project for an Online Class
High School
Vectors, Notation, High School, Trigonometry, Course Project
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Frederick Burke
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Project Details
Question Files
Online Trigonometry Course Project.docx
Online Trigonometry Course Project (1).pdf
Mathematics -> Trigonometry
Trigonometry Course Project for an Online Class
High School
Vectors, Notation, High School, Trigonometry, Course Project
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